Audiologist Presents Bte Hearing Aid For Mature Hearing Impaired

Hearing Aids are One of the “Secrets of Cognitive Super Agers”

Many people become alarmed when they realize that cognitive decline can start as early as our mid 40’s. While the height of our mental capabilities peak around age 30, gradual loss of cognitive abilities may include our brains thinking a bit slower, issues maintaining concentration, retaining information and word finding. These are not necessarily signing of Alzheimer’s Disease, or other forms of dementia, but a gradual decline as we age.

While we can’t stop the process of aging, we can take steps to support our overall health to maintain cognitive prowess as we continue the journey through life. It’s estimated that Less than 1% of people in the U.S. live until 100 and beyond—however, research finds that in many cases those who do, often tend to be mentally alert and sharp. For this rare group, the term “cognitive super agers” has been coined and includes adults 70 years and older, who have the mental and physical capacities which would be more typical of someone decades younger. What is the secret of these super agers? Well studies have found that addressing hearing loss may be a key factor.

Cognitive Super Agers 

To better understand the secret behind clear mental functioning in cognitive super agers, a 2021 study published in the American Medical Association’s journal: JAMA Network, explored patterns in healthy aging among centenarians. Centenarians are a rare group of individuals in the US who live to be 100 years or older. The study, conducted by researchers at Vrije University in Amsterdam, included 330 healthy centenarians who’s cognitive functions were tested annually over four years. Based on comprehensive cognitive testing the researchers had these following findings:

  • The researchers found that cognitive function in test group of centarians continued to perform strongly, which included an ease in making decisions, perform daily tasks and execute plans. 
  • Despite the rising risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia as we age, the test subjects continued to display high levels of cognitive performance. 

Cognitive Reserve

Cognitive reserve is your brain’s ability to improvise and find alternate ways of getting a job done. The researchers suspected based on findings that the secret of cognitive super agers may just be the brains’ cognitive reserve to adapt and change. The researchers explained that the best way to build cognitive reserve may include:

eating a balanced diet rich in vegetables and lean proteins, an active social life, regular exercise, and cognitively stimulating professions. In addition, over half of study participants lived independently and had a healthy vision as well as hearing health. 

The Danger of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is the third most common health condition affecting seniors in the US. One in three people over 65 report hearing loss and this number rises to one in two, 75 years and older. Hearing loss has been underestimated for years in its severity. Untreated, it can decrease sociability, cause chronic depression, impact mobility, increase the risk of accidents and falls as well as increasing the risk of cognitive decline and dementia even when it’s measured at a mild degree.

Hearing Loss & Cognitive Decline

2019 study published in the Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association explored the relationship between cognitive decline and hearing lossThis large study included 10,107 participants who were cognitively healthy at the start of the study. Over eight years they found that cognitive decline was: 

  • 30% higher for people with mild hearing loss 
  • 42% higher for people with moderate hearing loss 
  • 54% higher for people with severe hearing loss 

Hearing Aids Strengthen Brain Health

While there is no cure for hearing loss, it can be treated using hearing aids. Hearing aids may just be an important key in slowing the effects of cognitive decline, improving social activity, increasing mobility, and aging with grace. Today’s hearing aids are equipped with innovative technology that allows them to easily integrate into daily life and can be cutom fit to support people in all stages of life. 

Treating Hearing Loss 

Even a slight hearing loss can affect your cognitive health, so the sooner you screen and address a potential hearing loss, the greater chance you have of a greater quality of life and maintaining optimal cognitive performance. The first step is scheduling a hearing exam with us today.